Category Archives: technology

How Cable Management Promotes Data Security

A tech from a network cabling company helps organize internet cables.

While managing cables may seem like a simple and mundane task, it actually plays a crucial role in promoting data security. Data is constantly being transferred and stored through various devices and networks. It’s become more important than ever to ensure that the physical infrastructure supporting these digital operations is organized and secure against attacks. […]

Structured Cabling vs. Point-to-Point: Making the Right Choice for Your Network

structured cabling

When you think about network design, the cabling infrastructure might not be the first thing that comes to mind. Yet, it’s a fundamental component that can make or break your network’s performance. The right cabling infrastructure ensures seamless data transmission, reduces downtime, and enhances overall network reliability. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the […]

The Backbone of Connectivity: Exploring the Importance of Structured Cabling

structured cabling services

Do you find yourself staring into a tangled mess of wires when your internet connection fails? Business cabling doesn’t usually become an issue until it’s a big one and your productivity suffers. Even though it’s out of sight, out of mind, structured cabling is the backbone of connectivity and plays a crucial role in maintaining […]

The Truth Behind Ignoring a Software Update

Woman in hijab performing software update on laptop at desk

Let’s be honest—when most of us see that little notification about needing an update on our computer, we ignore it. It can be annoying to wait for the installation to be completed, and then completely restart your computer for the update to finish. It takes up so much time! What does it even do? Well, […]

How to Teach Your Employees About Cybersecurity

Someone doing cybersecurity awareness training, directing people on computers

Nothing is worse than knowing that you were the cause of a cyber attack against your company—attacks like these can lead to huge data loss and security breaches, as well as a negative impact on the morale of your team.  However, without the proper cyber security awareness training, it can be hard to know exactly […]

5 Reasons Your Small Business Should Purchase Used Computers

Employee using a used computer while working

For many small business owners, looking for ways to save money and cut down on operating costs is crucial to stay afloat. But technology is an expensive and mandatory investment. While purchasing new computing equipment is usually the norm, you may not realize that used computers may be the better option for your company. It’s […]

Should You Handle the Cloud on Your Own?

Cloud symbol on a wooden box symbolizing cloud managed services

As of June 2023, 94% of businesses use cloud services—but not all of them are using these services effectively. Understanding the many aspects of the cloud can help your business use this important tool effectively, and also determine if you require extra support through cloud managed services. We’ve gathered some great points to consider as […]

Is On-site or Cloud Backup for Small Businesses Better?

Employee using office computer waiting on the cloud backup for small business loading screen

The big fish in the tech industry have access to advanced data storage and security solutions, but what about small businesses?  Many small business owners feel overwhelmed when trying to decide between on-site and cloud backup for their company. And with data security becoming more and more important, it’s no wonder why. Businesses face pressure […]

How to Create a Successful VoIP System for Your Small Business

A headset on top of a laptop representing a small business VoIP system

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become an increasingly popular choice among small businesses due to its low cost and ease of use. Compared to traditional landline phone systems, VoIP is unbeatable. In fact, businesses back this sentiment: 69% of companies used VoIP in 2019, and 31% claimed to use it due to productivity gains. […]

Network Optimization: What Is It and Why Your Business Needs It?

IT specialist optimizing a network for a business

A network is a critical part of any business. It’s the backbone of operations and provides the infrastructure to send and receive data, host applications, store information, and more. However, when a network isn’t properly optimized for speed and performance, it can cause significant problems that could potentially put your business at risk. Don’t let […]