How to Create a Successful VoIP System for Your Small Business

A headset on top of a laptop representing a small business VoIP system

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become an increasingly popular choice among small businesses due to its low cost and ease of use. Compared to traditional landline phone systems, VoIP is unbeatable. In fact, businesses back this sentiment: 69% of companies used VoIP in 2019, and 31% claimed to use it due to productivity gains.

If you’re ready to move to VoIP, here’s what you need to do to create a successful small business VoIP system.

1. Identify Your Business Needs

Before you can take a step into the world of VoIP, you need to identify your business needs and requirements. Start by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Do you require extra features such as faxing or conference calls?
  • Do you need multiple phone lines or will one be enough?
  • Is call forwarding an important feature for you?

Knowing what features you need can help narrow down the options available and make it easier to find a solution that best suits your business. For best results, you need custom VoIP solutions.

2. Have Reliable Internet

Having reliable internet access is essential when it comes to VoIP. Without it, calls can be dropped easily and sound quality can suffer significantly. Ensure you have a good connection with minimal latency, as well as enough bandwidth to support your needs so you can maximize the potential of your small business VoIP system.

3. Investing in Quality VoIP Equipment

The quality of your VoIP system will largely depend on the equipment you invest in. Make sure to do research and read reviews before making any decisions. And if possible, try out different models to see which one works best for you. Finding the right VoIP system takes time and an experienced VoIP partner.

4. Partner with a VoIP Provider

You don’t have to do it alone—partnering up with a VoIP provider can help you get the most out of your system. A professional will be able to advise you on the best design and setup for your business, as well as provide useful tips and advice that can make all the difference.

Instead of having to guess which equipment to purchase and how to configure it, a professional can handle all aspects of selecting the best equipment and will even be in charge of managing and streamlining your system.

5. Acquire Your Business Number

No phone setup is complete without a business number. To acquire one, you can either port an existing number or get a new one from your VoIP provider. The former is often the most cost-effective solution for businesses because it allows businesses to keep their previous numbers. Plus, a VoIP offers easy set up and no additional costs.

6. Letting Professionals Install Your System

While it is possible to install and set up a VoIP system yourself, it’s not the kind of thing you want to DIY. When it comes to something as sensitive and important as your business’s communication system, it’s best to let the professionals handle it. 

They’ll ensure your small business VoIP system is properly installed, configured and tested. They’ll also be available if anything goes wrong with your system down the line so you can get back up and running quickly. Hiring an experienced professional to install your VoIP system will pay off in the long run. 

7. Training Your Employees on the VoIP System

Once the system is installed, don’t let your employees fall into the statistic of 88–95% of data breaches are caused by employee errors. Take the time to train them on how to properly use and manage your new VoIP system.

Make sure they understand where data is stored, what security measures are in place, how to spot potential problems, and what they should do if something goes wrong. This will help ensure that your system and data remain safe and secure. 

8. Enforcing Best Practices for User Behavior and Access Controls

To keep your business secure, make sure to create policies and procedures that all employees must follow when using the VoIP system. Establish access controls and create user behavior policies to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of the system.

9. Monitoring Call Quality Regularly

Monitor call quality regularly by listening in on calls from time to time to make sure that the sound quality is good and that there are no glitches or delays in transmission—your customers should have a top-notch VoIP system experience.

10. Updating Software & Hardware

Businesses that neglect to update their system are like eye candy to cybercriminals—so don’t be one of them. Be sure to update your small business VoIP system regularly by keeping the software and hardware up-to-date with the latest security patches and fixes.

Choose Simple Systems as Your VoIP Partner

Simple Systems has been providing businesses with reliable VoIP solutions and expert guidance. We offer a range of packages tailored to meet the needs of your business, from basic plans to more advanced solutions. 

Our team of experienced technicians will help you find the best solution and ensure that everything is set up correctly. With 24/7 support available, you can always count on us when you need help with your small business VoIP system. Contact us today to find out for yourself!