Category Archives: Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity

How to Form An Effective Incident Response Plan

Businesswoman running a meeting about the incident response plan

As organizations rely more and more on technology for their daily operations, the risk of cyber-attacks increases. It is no longer a question of “if” but “when” an organization will face a security incident. That’s why having an effective incident response plan template is crucial to minimize damages and get your business back up and […]

Incident Response Readiness: How to Assess Your Organization’s Preparedness

If your business is hit with a cyber attack, the first few hours of response time make all the difference. A well-prepared and practiced incident response plan will mitigate the damage and ensure a swift recovery. On the other hand, an unprepared organization risks financial loss, reputational damage, and prolonged downtime. Which side would you […]

Why Are Incident Response Plans So Important?

Happy, confident employees in an office

Imagine your company is getting more successful, with new clients and projects coming in every day. You’ve worked hard to build your brand up. One day, a cyber attack hits your company and compromises large amounts of sensitive customer information. You’re now facing a crisis that could ruin your business and lose your customer’s trust. […]

Small Businesses Need to Invest in Business Continuity Measures

team meeting to discuss small business support services options

If you run a small business, you might be thinking, “Who would come after a small business like ours?” The surprising truth is that small businesses are just as much at risk for cyber-attacks and business disruptions as larger companies—43% of all cyberattacks target small businesses. With this in mind, it’s clear that small businesses […]

How Often Should Your Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Be Reviewed & Tested?

hand stopping the domino effect

Let’s face it – Disaster can break your business if you’re not prepared with a business continuity plan (BCP). According to FEMA, around 90% of businesses fail and shut down within a year if they are unable to recover within 5 days after a disaster. With proper continuity planning, you can identify potential risks within […]

How to Create a Strong Business Continuity Plan for Your Utah Business

people sitting at table with laptops

$5,600 a minute. That’s the average cost of downtime for a business, according to a recent Gartner report. And while some downtime is inevitable, there are steps you can take to minimize the impact on your Utah business. One of the most important is creating a strong business continuity plan. What Is Business Continuity? Business […]

What Your Utah Business Needs to Know About Backup, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Did you know 96% of businesses have experienced at least 1 outage in a 3-year period?1 And while the percentage of businesses who backup their data is very promising at 93%2, it’s still essential to underscore the importance for not only backing up your business data, but having quality disaster recovery and business continuity plans […]

How Are Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Related?

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

The way a firm responds to an emergency or other unanticipated occurrence may have a significant influence on how quickly it can resume operations and its future prospects. With the past years being affected by a worldwide pandemic, businesses are in more need than ever of creating a business continuity plan. Preparing for a disaster […]